apologies for my absence. i've been fighting the battle that is inpatient pediatrics during rsv season. sheesh, that was a long month! some kids i even sent to the picu twice. they just couldn't get enough of those nice picu residents, it seems. next, on to adult medicine for the month of january. i don't think adult medicine has quite so much seasonal variation as pediatrics does, but i could be wrong. in fact, i probably am.
new year's resolutions seemed a little tricky this year. i already feel like i'm being pulled in a thousand directions at work and i don't need to put any more pressure on myself. so i resolve:
1. to eat a little piece of chocolate every day.
2. to more seriously apply myself to reaching the 1 drink per day target. it's good for my heart, you know.
3. to spend as much time as possible with this fellow:

1 comment:
Your posts always make me smile, Mary! I think I'll join you at least on the chocolate-a-day (although my piece might not be so small!).
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