Sunday, August 2, 2009


my new senior resident is lovely. rather than heading back to our little separate call rooms last night, she and i set up camp on the reclining ends of the sofa in the conference room and slept there for the night so she could field calls with me. this was exceedingly nice of her. so while we were passing the hours in our little conference room, she mentioned that she rides at a nearby barn, and they're very nice, and very accomodating to her schedule, etc. etc.

this set my mind totally racing. polo had already gotten me thinking. then, i started looking at boots and breeches and whatnot, and i was practically drooling over my laptop. i'm torn.

i love riding
i don't get enough exercise
i need more hobbies

so expensive!
along those lines, i'd need all new equipment
do i really have time for a new hobby?

i might reassess at the end of this month when i have more time. but it might make me happy.


Lissa said...

I know. I think I'm going to start again in a couple of weeks. I guess it comes down to whether it'll make you happy or it starts feeling like a burden in your free time. Why not just start by buying some half chaps (expensive but better than the whole getup) and trying it?

On another note, how do I convince the head of my department that we need reclining sofas in our conference rooms?

mary said...

i'm thinking i could buy half-chaps, paddock boots, and breeches for not more than $200. i might need a new helmet, too... not sure if mine still fits. i might just do it.

reclining sofas... i think you need to routinely sleep in the conference room for that. and not just when you're bored at a conference.

Kate said...

I say go for it. The last time I had a teensy bit of extra funds, I rode for a year, and I had a fantastic time (despite riding at 9AM on Sunday mornings!). I think you should make sure that you find a stable with an attitude/atmosphere that works for you. Also, have you looked into used riding apparel? The tall boots I had in college I bought used for something like $75. I bet you could find a tack shop that sells used things.

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