these mangoes. they're stacked in cases all over the place. and they are so good. sweet, and soft, and juicy. nothing like the mangoes at home. foolishly, we bought only 6 at first. those set us back 50 rupees each, and i think we were ripped off. the next time, we bought a case of 12 for 450 rupees. we ate those in about 5 days. last night, our main fruit man was not there. he had promised our hosts that he would not rip us off just because we were not indian, but his underlings tried to charge us 600 rupees for a box! we protested loudly, and they explained that these were "bigger", and "settled" for 500. pshaw! these were the same mangoes, but we wanted them so we agreed to 500.
just look at them.
i am on a two mango a day plan. mango and yogurt parfaits for breakfast. mangoes with ice cream. mango milkshakes. this perhaps is helping me to ward off sickness. or so i tell myself when i want mangos and ice cream. speaking of sickness, though, our computer has something viral going on, so while i run symantec over and over, please ignore any emails offering weight loss, male enhancement, or the ability to help out a nigerian prince whose bank account is frozen.
next topic: pigeons. i am being driven to the brink by the pitter-patter-scritch-scratch of tiny pigeon feet as they pace on my air conditioner. it makes a god-awful noise that started this morning at 6 and didn't stop until 7:15 when i got out of bed, threw the windows open and banged on the air conditioner. now when i hear their gnarly little feet land i run to the window and scream. i'm turning into that crazy lady.
tonight, earplugs.
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