you know what i love in the fall? a big bowl of soup. i made some soup tonight, to distract myself from the horror of vacation ending. ugh, what a pile of papers awaits in the office, to be sure. anyway, you, too could make this soup. it involves an onion, 4-5 carrots, and a package of baby portabello mushrooms chopped up and sauteed in olive oil for a while. with a few cloves of garlic. then, some curry powder (6 teaspoons from the indian store will make you a fairly spicy soup). then, add a little water - just to cover the veggies - and simmer for a while. then, take about half the vegetables and blend them in the food processor, and then dump them back in the pot. with, oh, let's say 6 more cups of water. add a pound of dried split peas. and simmer the heck out of it, adding more water as needed. salt and pepper as you please. mmmm. hearty fall soup. maybe next week will be squash soup!

ok, it may not look like much. but i liked it. enough to make it twice.
you know what really made my night, though? this pillsbury bread i found at the shaw's:

is it bakery bread? no, not exactly. does it have a touch of hydrogenated oil? yes, even though it claims 0 grams of trans fats. is it a glycemic nightmare? i suppose. is it pretty awesome to pull a piping hot loaf of bread out of the oven with essentially no effort? yes, yes it is.